We deem this a Rural Outreach like never before because of the True to his word and every "breath" he takes, our dearest Prameet Kotak took our Girls on THE JUNOON GURUKUL through a breathwork session that has made them feel so calm, centred and collected. And in their own words, "aware and amazing!".

We can't thank Prameet enough for bringing us his Art, Knowledge and Wisdom, all the way from Sweden. As Classical Dancers, an awareness of breath, rhythm, the body and mind, is so crucial to us and we couldn't be more grateful to have experienced the beauty of this Prana practice, in session today.

The feedback from our babies was so genuine and relevant and spoke volumes of how relevant they found breathwork to their own practice of Classical Dance and other Arts. It told us simply how relaxed they felt, finding their breath, tuning into themselves, after being constantly on the move and in practice, as they usually are!

Having Prameet with us, in person, will be a privilege and we've promised him we'll practice until then.

Junoon is truly blessed to be able to provide our Girls with an exposure to such insightful individuals and artists. This is after all, what it is all about - engendering a respect and passion for the Arts, in collaboration with one another, and the irrepressible need to give the Arts and such ancient Classical practices their due!

Our Girls will be better Classical Dancers, better artistes, better art appreciators, with experiences as immersive as these.

Thank you plenty Prameet, for breathing such beauty into our Gurukul. To much more ahead!
