On Softening














#1 - The Website










The Junoon Publications invite you to meet ‘Sona’ - our publication and its beloved lead; who will take you, dear Reader, from the shining sun and sands of Rajasthan to the serene landscapes of Southern India, where she, a regional dancer who finds joy in each step she takes - will embark on a gruelling yet rewarding journey of transforming herself into a Bharata Natyam dancer.  Dance is a paradox quite like no other. It embodies freedom and discipline, poise and excitement, expression and reticence. This is a paradox Sona walks into, as she understands the devotion, dedication and discipline she will have to adopt to receive the privilege of training in classical dance.  ‘Sona’ shares the experiences of classical dancers across India and the world, who decided to pursue their passion for dancing and perfect it - thereby immersing themselves in the mad, demanding, fascinating and fulfilling world of art.  It is an ode to the passion, perseverance and love of classical dancers who continue carrying forward the legacies of an ancient world.  Signing off, 🤍 Krishna Barot  @meeepmorpzeep #junoon #junoongurukul #publication #literature #passion #perserverence #classicaldance #art #artist #artiste #ballet #bharatanatyam #expression #emotion #practice #rajasthan #southindia #performance #dance #dancer #perfection #learn #education #technique #nuances #control #mudra #movement


Immeasurably proud of the work our dearest Nik has put into: THE JUNOON PUBLICATIONS' EXPLORATION From Reading, Research, Analysis and Reflection to putting it all down in a reader-friendly format, Her work over the past few months has been extraordinary. We need so many more like her to have a genuine appreciation for Classical Dance and its obvious dependence on the Literary Arts. We will be sharing her writing and deep dive into the Publications over the next few months and it is going to be very special to watch her passing on this knowledge to the many other curious Classical Dancers who are passionate about and intrigued by the influence of Literature on Dance and the beauty of Dance Theory! Thank you baby girl. Bless your Junoon! 🧿🩷 @simply_nikkk #research #artsresearch #literaryarts #dancetheory #futureartist


The Junoon Publications invite you to read ‘Meena’ - an exploration of the eyes.  They say that one’s eyes are the window to their soul. For a classical dancer, the eyes are a window to a universe that simply cannot be explained through language. Their eyes and expressions have a language of their own.  This is beautifully explored in Meena, which discovers the universe behind a dancer’s eyes. In Sanskrit, this word defines someone with “fish-like eyes, open wide to take in the vastness of the sea she swims in.”  To a trained eye, the journey of watching a classical dancer’s eyes is a treat like none other - as the eyes reveal a parallel story to the dance, adding layers of meaning and symbolism that enrich a performance.  Meena experiences and expresses it all, as narrated wonderfully through passages dedicated to Lord Krishna - and how he is perceived through the eyes of some formidable women; from his mother, Yashoda to his dearest friend, Draupadi.  There is no emotion in the world that cannot be captured by Meena, be it love, anger, irritation, pride, joy or amusement. And that, dear Reader, is the essence of this volume.  Signing off, 🤍 Krishna Barot  @meeepmorpzeep #junoon #junoongurukul #publication #literature #eyes #morethanmeetstheeye #classicaldance #art #artist #artiste #ballet #bharatanatyam #expression #emotion #mythology #divine #spiritual #performance #dance #dancer


The Junoon Publications invite you to introspect, understand and question: What art form came first?  Literature? Dance? Or music?  Answering this connection is as futile as attempting to answer whether the chicken came first or the egg.  Because just about everything in life is interconnected. Where one thing begins, you will find a connection to ten others. That’s life, that’s art, that’s ‘Sa’. Classical dance is not a standalone art; it intertwines elements of history, theology, poetry, art, literature, physical fitness, mental composure and emotional intelligence - crafting them uniquely to showcase a story.  That’s what you will experience while reading ‘Sa’. From exploring the stories of Indian Gods and epics to reflecting on the intricacies of music and lyrics and how they have formed some of the most profound songs we know today.  “A thick thread runs through dance, music and literature” - and the person who wants to master one must master all. It not only aids them in perfecting their craft but enriches their soul as they truly understand the essence of each detail, each movement, each word, and each tune.  Signing off, 🤍 Krishna Barot @meeepmorpzeep #junoon #junoongurukul #publication #literature #music #raag #shiva #afreenafreen #beginning #classicaldance #art #artist #artiste #ballet #bharatanatyam #expression #emotion #mythology #divine #spiritual #performance #dance #dancer #saregama #poetry #storytelling #mahabharat #ramayan #sufi


“A dancer chooses to journey on this path in a certain direction in a determined manner.” The Junoon Publications invite you to explore ‘Marg’, dedicated to the profound exploration of the growth undergone by dancers on their artistic journey. Step into the past as Marg traces the evolution of dance from its sacred origins in temples. Delve into the essence of the dancer's power, known as Shakti, as the book illuminates the transformative aspects of the dance experience. Marg goes beyond traditional boundaries, offering insights into the diverse influences that shape a dancer's path. From the graceful movements of Ballet to the inner discipline of Yoga, the book introduces a spectrum of tools and practices essential for dancers to excel in their craft. Embark on a captivating odyssey of self-discovery and artistic expression with Marg, where every step unveils the intricate layers of the dancer's journey towards mastery. Signing off, 🤍 Nikita Rathod (@simply_nikkk ) #junoon #junoongurukul #classicaldance #bharatanatyam #ballet #mudras #movements #art #artist #writer #artiste #dancer #expression #knowledge #performance #exploration #publication #literature #shakti #spiritual #sacred #yoga #selfdiscovery


The most marked moments as the Girls prep for their end of year showcase on THE JUNOON GURUKUL are the seniors training and preparing the juniors. It is such a joy to see the elder ones guiding and hand holding the younger ones - a sisterhood emerging and here to stay! The Girls train - warm up, work their combinations and formations, stretch to cool and revise together. They are basically putting their entire performance up by being each other's pillars - encouraging one another to learn, grow and put on the best show ever! This is how dream teams are built - dedication, synergy and beautiful energy! Good show, Girls! @avasaragirls 🤍 #junoon #performanceprep #rehearsals #dreamteam #girlpower


As the THE JUNOON GURUKUL gets all set for its year-end showcase, here are Hema and Preksha of the Advanced batch sharing their experience, emotions and expectations on this parallel Arts curriculum centred on Classical Dance. Filmed by: @meeepmorpzeep @avasaragirls 🤍 (Thank you Ms. Kalpana!) #studentlife #studenttestimonials #junoon #artsstudents #gurukul #classicaldance


Formations and transitions are the trickiest when a large group is putting on a performance together. This evening, our Girls on THE JUNOON GURUKUL have been doing everything they can, as a team, to smoothen their sequences - one into the next. It's such a wonderful journey into making it all come together. Their synchronicity is going to stay with them for a very long time to come... Proud of you, Girls! @avasaragirls 🤍 #junoon #formations #sequences #choreography #performanceprep


As the THE JUNOON GURUKUL gets all set for its year-end showcase, here are Daksha and Khushi of the Advanced batch sharing their experience, emotions and expectations on this parallel Arts curriculum centred on Classical Dance. Filmed by: @meeepmorpzeep @avasaragirls 🤍 (Thank you Ms. Kalpana!) #studentlife #studenttestimonials #junoon #artsstudents #gurukul #classicaldance


Our Girls on THE JUNOON GURUKUL are revising their Indian Classical Dance vocabulary - the Mudras or Hand gestures this evening. There's a beautiful line in our ancient texts to explain this: "Hastena Artha Pradarshayet" "The hands depict meaning". It is what makes our Art a language on its own. Meanwhile, the Advanced batch is sitting around to further plan their upcoming presentation. This is going to be special. #performanceprep #gurukul


As the THE JUNOON GURUKUL gets all set for its year-end showcase, here are Akshata and Tanvi of the Advanced batch sharing their experience, emotions and expectations on this parallel Arts curriculum centred on Classical Dance. Filmed by: @meeepmorpzeep @avasaragirls 🤍 (Thank you Ms. Kalpana!) #studentlife #studenttestimonials #junoon #artsstudents #gurukul #classicaldance


As the THE JUNOON GURUKUL gets all set for its year-end showcase, here are Yogini and Khushi of the Advanced batch sharing their experience, emotions and expectations on this parallel Arts curriculum centred on Classical Dance. Filmed by: @meeepmorpzeep @avasaragirls 🤍 #studentlife #studenttestimonials #junoon #artsstudents #gurukul #classicaldance


The Junoon Publications invite you to dive into the world of dance aesthetics with ‘Aabhushan’. Explore the vibrant world of Indian Classical Dance, where every stroke of makeup and every gleaming piece of jewellery holds profound significance. Aabhushan consists of theories beyond just costume. It talks about the concept of ‘THE EYE' and its connection.  Aabhushan is a  Sanskrit word that means 'jewellery'. From the functionality of attire to its pivotal role in storytelling, this captivating publication delves into the intricate details of Bharatanatyam costumes.  Explore questions like: Are costumes functional?  Is the recommended costume always functional? Is it worth it and wise? As you navigate these queries, ponder the essence of dressing up for dance—an ever-evolving choice yet tethered to a timeless purpose: to bridge the old with the new.  Signing off, 🤍 Nikita Rathod (@simply_nikkk ) #junoon #junoongurukul #classicaldance #bharatanatyam #ballet #mudras #movements #art #artist #writer #artiste #dancer #expression #knowledge #performance #exploration #publication #literature #costume #jewellery #theeye #functional #beauty


The Junoon Publications invite you to journey into classical dance forms' rich history and origins with our first publication, “Aaghaaz,” an Urdu word that means dawn.  Delve into the essence of the Art with its foundational elements, beginning with the Namaskara, a gesture of reverence and gratitude. This comprehensive guide unravels the intricacies of Classical Dance, offering insights into its spiritual dimensions, including the profound connection between the dancer and the divine. From exploring the genesis of dance in "THE STORY OF CREATION" to delving into the significance of the Guru, "Aaghaaz" navigates essential aspects of the art form, serving as the perfect companion for novice dancers and seasoned appreciators.  Whether you're taking your first steps on the dance floor or seeking a deeper understanding of Classical Dance, "Aaghaaz" illuminates the path ahead with clarity and wisdom. Signing off, 🤍 Nikita Rathod @simply_nikkk #junoon #junoongurukul #classicaldance #bharatanatyam #ballet #mudras #movements #art #artist #writer #artiste #dancer #expression #knowledge #performance #exploration #publication #literature #creation #firststep #introductiontodance


And here we have it! Our very own gateway to the intricacies, tales and emotions behind classical dance: The Junoon Publications.  These books are not simply resources or a collection of theories but enable readers to dive into the mind of an artiste - be it a dancer, a writer or an artist. Each publication provides comprehensive material on classical dance - from mudras and movements to the music, costumes and history. Whether you are a patron of classical dance or a beginner who wishes to expand your horizons, there is something interesting, heartwarming and inspiring for each one of you.  The learning material and theory are balanced with deeply personal and honest anecdotes, generously shared by our tribe of creatives. It holds their stories, experiences and emotions. Almost a window to their soul. And so, dear audience, we present to you, The Junoon Publications in the form of: Aabhushan  Aaghaz Marg Meena Sa Sona  We can't wait to share more! Nikita and Krishna 🤍 @simply_nikkk @meeepmorpzeep (More information on our publications is available on our website: www.junoonart.com) #junoongurukul #creatives #creativecommunity #creatorsofinstagram #classicaldance #bharatanatyam #ballet #mudras #movements #dancetheory #learning #publication #books #gateway #emotions #dancer #dance #expression #writing #writer #artiste #artist #art #indianhistory #theology #readers


MEET NIKITA 🤍 We welcome Nikita Rathod on board as she undertakes THE JUNOON PUBLICATIONS' EXPLORATION , something she has been working on for a few months now. This program is a sub-division of THE JUNOON METHOD, our curriculum, which is currently being crafted. This is what Nikita has to say: "In this program, my aim is to learn, reflect, and analyze. I'm still new to this and figuring out what I can bring to the table. As the name suggests, I'll be exploring the publications through close readings and reflections. I'm still getting a grip on the specifics of these exercises, but I plan to focus on particular topics and offer my insights. It's a challenge since I'm not yet an expert in writing dance theory analyses, but I'm embracing the journey and hoping to grow... It's been a slow start, but I'm confident that once I discover what I want to share, it will become more solid. This opportunity is allowing me to transition from being a student to becoming a contributor to Junoon's beautiful journey." Welcome to Junoon (once again!) Nik! We cannot wait to share your reflections on the Publications... @simply_nikkk 🤍 #classicaldance #junoongurukul #initiation #writer #community #reflection #introspection #bharatanatyam #ballet #artiste #artschool


MEET KRISHNA 🤍 "When I first heard about Junoon from the wonderful Mythili Zatakia, in all honesty, I was slightly confused. I was asked to visit THE JUNOON GURUKUL, in Pune, and see for myself, what it was all about. That’s just what I needed.  To see Art, not just as an extracurricular, but at the forefront of education. It was fascinating to absorb snippets of dance theory, Bharata Natyam mudras, Ballet moves, excerpts of history, theology and music theory - in the span of a single session.  The Junoon students were not just jotting down notes but actively reflecting, asking questions, and sharing their perspectives, fostering a safe and collaborative space for themselves and their peers.  All it took was one session, and I knew in my heart that I did not want to be an observer of this beautiful movement. And so, here I am! What I truly love about Junoon is that while I may have a designated role, no bars are holding me back from learning and trying new things for the organisation. As a creative, I am finding immense pleasure in enjoying the diverse offerings, opportunities and challenges of each day. After all, it is a community of creatives. And creativity knows no limits." Welcome to The Team, Krishna and enjoy the journey of discovering your Junoon as you will! @meeepmorpzeep 🤍 #classicaldance #junoongurukul #initiation #writer #creative #community #creatorsofinstagram #reflection #introspection #bharatanatyam #ballet #artiste #artschool


We have access to a very focused group this time round because all the Girls - across grades - are appearing for exams. And although these superstars are too, they manage their time between studies, training (themselves and others) and keep finding new ways to play it like a game! 💪🏻🎲🔥 Our splits challenges endure and we can feel ourselves getting closer to the ground. As does our learning and practice of fundamentals - old and new. And we keep running around to stay warm through this winter in Dhasa! #winterupdate #RuralOutreach #dhasa #junoon #classicaldance


A special mention for our senior batch of girls here on our #RuralOutreach whom our biggest champion @meenalzatakia came to watch this morning! For their sunshine smiles that beat the Winter Sun and their relentlessness from the very start of our Outreach here in Dhasa. It is so rewarding to watch them progress like they have and they continue to in leaps and bounds with more complex Classical movement session after session! Here, we are getting their raises and bends in order to work up to ballet routines! Loved having you watch, Mother of us all! ❤️ This is the same senior batch that is now training and helping their juniors and the Women make a beginning with Classical Dance. We owe you, big big big and we are so proud of you Girls! #girlgang #classicaldancers #littleartists


One Barre set learnt, is a Barre set to be taught! Watch our girls train, help and correct one another, passing the love and details of Barrework and Ballet onto one another. This is Junoon. This is Junoon. 🤍🔥 #teamwork #dreamwork #girlsquad #classicalballet #barrework


There is nothing more rewarding than watching our dearest Girls only on THE JUNOON GURUKUL leading their own sessions. We learn so much from them every day - their ability to reflect and share and really immerse themselves in this parallel Arts curriculum, is unparalleled! Thank you Girls, for being so good with one another. 🥹🤍 For your commitment and dedication and teamwork! For rehearsing with one another above and beyond sessions... And for teaching us. And for loving the Classical Arts we all do! The "And's" are endless... #teamwork #girlgang #motivated #littleartists


The Professor's Special with Mr. Gardner persisted into its second literary challenge! This time, we delved into the mammoth work of Shakespeare! The genius of the Bard of Avon occurs to us in every dialogue of the play we've picked: King Lear. We have the privilege of learning how to adapt Classical Literature for Classical Dance from a man who is a fountainhead of knowledge, wisdom and advice. His love of Literature is only rivalled by his passion for teaching it and inculcating that truest love for it in whosoever sits before him. And even as we continue to make discoveries and have new revelations every day, swipe to live the journey with us and see where our second selection led us, courtesy our beloved, respected, revered Prof. 🤍 Thank you Mr. Gardner! For making our Junoon more informed, more refined, more evolved and more Classical than ever! #classic #classicalliterature #classicaldance #adaptation


This is The Professor's Special with Mr. Gardner! We have the privilege of learning how to adapt Classical Literature for Classical Dance from a man who is a fountainhead of knowledge, wisdom and advice. His love of Literature is only rivalled by his passion for teaching it and inculcating that truest love for it in whosoever sits before him. Swipe to live the journey with us and see where we've made a beginning, courtesy our beloved, respected, revered Prof. 🤍 Thank you Mr. Gardner! For making our Junoon more informed, more refined, more evolved and more Classical than ever! #classic #classicalliterature #classicaldance #adaptation


In the spirit of the times and because Folk Dances exemplify the regional beauty and flavour of India, THE JUNOON GURUKUL, practiced Garba in session as Navratri is just round the corner! Watch our Girls perform coordinated movement in concentric circles and simply freak out as they attempt a faster paced routine in a folk favourite this festive season! This is Garba in Gurukul! #garba #gurukul #folkdance #Junoon #navratri


Yoga takes pride of place in sessions this week given that Dance is the highest form of Yoga. From one ancient Classical Art to the next, our girls are convinced that asanas are where it all began and there's no telling where they can go with a regular practice of Yoga poses and flows! Watch the Beginners' batch in this dynamic flow only on THE JUNOON GURUKUL as their practice so fittingly complements the theme their overall practice is stylized to - PEACE. #yoga #practice #peace #junoon #gurukul


Our Beginners' batch is working so conscientiously towards scripting the connection they see between Dance and Painting, especially with the reference point they have in the stunning artwork of a BUDDHA we shared with them only a few days ago (shared in the previous post.) They've come up with so many relevant points and ideas and are consolidating these like a team of champions! Their efforts will also loop their ideas back to the theme of 'PEACE' which their practice and performance is stylized to, this time round. Beautifully done, girls! (Pictured here are Alisha, Jiya, Ruchi, Shilpa, Shifa, Katyayini and Ritika integrating the thoughts of all our other Girls in the Beginners' batch of THE JUNOON GURUKUL.) #painting #artconnect #danceart #arts #gurukul


Besides excitedly welcoming Ms. Hetal to the Junoon squad in Junoon gear, we began to look for our own reasons why SANSKRIT is such a grandiose heritage that we should be making every attempt to preserve and perpetuate. Ms. Hetal tells us stories from Indian Mythology because a word, in a verse, prompts the whole telling of a tale rather than a simple translation of the word. We learn more about Hindu deities - whether Ganesha, Devi, Shiva, Parashurama - one divine power and presence interwoven into the life of the other. In so many ways, SANSKRIT, helps us unlock the stories of this Universe, one story after another, one verse after another. And, it is astonishing to know that a language as grand as this, came to be, because its grammar is said to come most naturally to us human beings. Perhaps this is why SANSKRIT is believed to be the first tongue humanity ever spoke, ever wrote and ever communicated in. It was inside us all along - from the beginning of time! Still is! Thank you Ms. Hetal, for the gems you're handing us, packaged with the understanding of a glorious, deep, simple yet humongous language. #sanskrit #stories #mythology


Welcome to this packed session on Sunday! We've had initiation activities for the newest to join our tribe! Of course, the more Advanced have jumped in to help with making them feel welcome! We've put ourselves through some real thigh crushers. Thank god we had each other's hands to hold! All of this after the early part of the morning spent training at Athletics! Our Junoon is making us work overtime! But we're in this together! And a Sunday could make all the difference! And our choir came together! Our singing squad now has a chorus! Our Bhajan practice is surely going to lead somewhere! 🙏🏼🤞🏼 💪🏼🔥 #Junoon #sundaytraining


Our girls train at Music and Dance to the same song in sessions today! We have come upon a beautiful rendition of the "Shri Ramachandra Kripalu Bhajan", a devotional song in praise of Lord Rama, and it creates the most meditative practice environment. We hope to memorize the lyrics, as it plays in the background, discover their meaning in forthcoming SANSKRIT sessions and one day, dance a beautiful Classical Dance rendition of our own to this soulful track! #dancegoals #practice #devotional


There's nothing like a morning to fly right into! 🏃🏾‍♀️🪽🏃🏾‍♀️🪽🏃🏾‍♀️🪽🏃🏾‍♀️🪽🏃🏾‍♀️🪽 Welcome to Athletic training on this #RuralOutreach . 👟👟👟👟👟 It is strong, it is sure, it is competitive and it has all the Junoon it takes! 💪🏼🔥 Our Girls are the Athletes they need to be as Dancers! 💃🩰🦢💪🏼 #athletics #artists #dancers


Our Girls are probably watching Classical Ballet performed on a World stage with every World Ballet Star in attendance (and performance) for the very first time. Watching is a form of learning. We are trying to get our Girls to observe and pick up nuances; to appreciate the art form they are so dedicated to learning themselves. Given the cultural differences in Indian Classical Dance and Western Classical Dance, it is difficult for our Girls to grasp the body language, the delicateness as well as the sheer professionalism in training in Ballet but they are so open to learning, attempting and accepting how far they have yet to go. We thank our Coach @rockchick_666 for recommending this watch. A true treat to the eyes. And every little bit of motivation we need to keep showing up to the studio and striving, every day, to get a little bit better. 🤍👀 #watchandlearn #classicalballet


Welcoming Ms. Hetal of @opz.hs to our Rural Outreach program as she so generously introduces our Girls to the magic, beauty, power and significance of the SANSKRIT language to our historic Art form, in their beautiful mother tongue of Gujarati. Our girls listen, absorb, learn couplets (shlokas) from the ancient language that has been the foundation and origin of so many others and most importantly, note the inescapable link between Sanskrit and Indian Classical Dance. Sanskrit literature is the beginning of everything that was ever codified about Indian Classical Dance ever since time can measure. And it is important for us to know the influence this great language has had on our Art and how the enormity of its words translates into Dance - the hidden language of the soul and the most efficient form of non-verbal communication. Swipe to watch the progression in session. Our Girls began with a Ganesha Stotra (a couplet in praise of Lord Ganesha) in the spirit of the times - as the country celebrates Ganeshotsav. We are so grateful to Ms. Hetal for giving us so much of her wisdom and Junoon. 🙏🏼❤️☺️ #sanskrit #insession #ganeshotsav #classicaldance


Wise words from our dearest Coach @rockchick_666 urging us to join the conversation for a more inclusive world of Classical Dance. Let's think about this and help the change! Creating a safe, encouraging and authentic space for Dancers of all shapes and sizes is our collective objective. 💪🏼🤍 Thank you Coach, for giving us the food for thought and motivation we need. We love you! #coach #motivation #lessons #arteducation


Wise words from our dearest Coach @rockchick_666 urging us to join the conversation for a more inclusive world of Classical Dance. Let's think about this and help the change! Creating a safe, encouraging and authentic space for Dancers of all shapes and sizes is our collective objective. 💪🏼🤍 Thank you Coach, for giving us the food for thought and motivation we need. We love you! #coach #motivation #lessons #arteducation


Wise words from our dearest Coach @rockchick_666 urging us to join the conversation for a more inclusive world of Classical Dance. Let's think about this and help the change! Creating a safe, encouraging and authentic space for Dancers of all shapes and sizes is our collective objective. 💪🏼🤍 Thank you Coach, for giving us the food for thought and motivation we need. We love you! #coach #motivation #lessons #arteducation


RAGA, TALA and RASA revealed in THE JUNOON GURUKUL. (3/3) #raga #tala #rasa


RAGA, TALA and RASA revealed in THE JUNOON GURUKUL. (2/3) #raga #tala #rasa


RAGA, TALA and RASA revealed in THE JUNOON GURUKUL. (1/3) #raga #tala #rasa


Our Girls in Grey take inspiration from love, creation and the Goddess Parvati and "go into the wild" with their own TAPASYA. Often we make choices, embracing uncertainty. We make them out of love, curiosity and because we expect the best out of ourselves and a situation. Our Girls' forage into the beautiful world of Classical Art is very close to Goddess Parvati's encounter with Shiva and therefore, love. She discovers herself and just how much she has to give, in the process. In simpler terms, the Girls would say: "As we journey with Classical Dance, we don't know what it will bring. But we know we love it and we know we're chasing it with all our heart. As we put our mind to it, we also know this TAPASYA will reveal so much of ourselves to us. As our bodies work hard and our whole beings become involved, this tryst into the wild, into a magical unknown is going to be enchanting!" Who knows, perhaps the Goddess is creating right here, right now... We are simply thrilled to be contributing to her 'Shrishti'. #intothewild #classicaldance #tapasya


Our Girls in Grey take inspiration from love, creation and the Goddess Parvati and "go into the wild" with their own TAPASYA. Often we make choices, embracing uncertainty. We make them out of love, curiosity and because we expect the best out of ourselves and a situation. Our Girls' forage into the beautiful world of Classical Art is very close to Goddess Parvati's encounter with Shiva and therefore, love. She discovers herself and just how much she has to give, in the process. In simpler terms, the Girls would say: "As we journey with Classical Dance, we don't know what it will bring. But we know we love it and we know we're chasing it with all our heart. As we put our mind to it, we also know this TAPASYA will reveal so much of ourselves to us. As our bodies work hard and our whole beings become involved, this tryst into the wild, into a magical unknown is going to be enchanting!" Who knows, perhaps the Goddess is creating right here, right now... We are simply thrilled to be contributing to her 'Shrishti'. #intothewild #classicaldance #tapasya


Our Girls in Grey take inspiration from love, creation and the Goddess Parvati and "go into the wild" with their own TAPASYA. Often we make choices, embracing uncertainty. We make them out of love, curiosity and because we expect the best out of ourselves and a situation. Our Girls' forage into the beautiful world of Classical Art is very close to Goddess Parvati's encounter with Shiva and therefore, love. She discovers herself and just how much she has to give, in the process. In simpler terms, the Girls would say: "As we journey with Classical Dance, we don't know what it will bring. But we know we love it and we know we're chasing it with all our heart. As we put our mind to it, we also know this TAPASYA will reveal so much of ourselves to us. As our bodies work hard and our whole beings become involved, this tryst into the wild, into a magical unknown is going to be enchanting!" Who knows, perhaps the Goddess is creating right here, right now... We are simply thrilled to be contributing to her 'Shrishti'. #intothewild #classicaldance #tapasya


To us, the most special moment in session has got to be when the Advanced batch takes the lead in practice and expression so that our Beginners can take inspiration. It is a visual treat to watch the younger ones looking up to their seniors and learning a thing or many from them. This exchange of experiences and practice is what makes Gurukul a safe and supportive environment for budding artists. Junoon is proud to engender a sisterhood that makes more girls want to take to the Classical Arts. Their dancing of both Bharata Natyam and Classical Ballet can only get stronger from here, as the older ones fairly, amicably and purposefully guide the younger ones along. THE JUNOON GURUKUL is after all, an opportunity and platform to further that bit of ancient India that produced wonders through a progressive, healthy and encouraging system of learning and sharing. Art has never needed it more. And our Girls are here to ensure it gets what it needs! #tradition #learning #sharing #arts


Our exchanges on Gurukul are as important as our physical practice of the art form. We learn so much from one another and especially, those that have experienced being in Gurukul from its inception. Listen in on our session! May be you have something to add too! #gurukul #insession #artdiscussion


We've been playing with words and music for inspiration this time round. We threw open a couple of ideas and quotes in session and shared our views. Before we knew it, these ideas integrated with our practice of Dance. 1. "When you walk into dance class, you learn how to walk again." 2. "Where words fail, music speaks." We are standing up straighter. We are walking around like Dancers, imbibing how rudimentary posture is to our learning and grasping of Art. We are seeing the crucial link between Music and Emotion; how Raga gives rise to Rasa. And we're learning that when the right melody is attached to lyrics, and the lyrics are sung with the right emotion, the effect generated is bound to be accurate - Rasa, the aesthetic relish, as we will it! The Girls on THE JUNOON GURUKUL are dancing with soul. They are discovering their invaluable connect with Music. And they are trying to find a rhythm with basics, conditioning and everything else. For now, that is literally all that matters. #abstract #arts #education #gurukul #classicaldance


The Girls in Grey are gradually building on their TAPASYA. As they put it all into words, they are beginning to think about possible choreography and experimenting with movement sequences. This is going to go all the way, we can tell. As one's TAPASYA should... And we can't wait to see where! #tapasya


The Girls in Grey are gradually building on their TAPASYA. As they put it all into words, they are beginning to think about possible choreography and experimenting with movement sequences. This is going to go all the way, we can tell. As one's TAPASYA should... And we can't wait to see where! #tapasya


The Girls in Grey are gradually building on their TAPASYA. As they put it all into words, they are beginning to think about possible choreography and experimenting with movement sequences. This is going to go all the way, we can tell. As one's TAPASYA should... And we can't wait to see where! #tapasya


In yet another beautiful moment on THE JUNOON GURUKUL, our Girls in Grey were introduced to "SA" - one of our publications that ties together the connection of Dance, Music and Literature. We made our first impressions, read out passages that looked instantly interesting and admired the artwork that complements the written content so aptly. The Girls are now trying to make connections and interpretations of their own as we leave them to explore this compilation of research, thoughts and possibilities. We hope, with and through "SA", they will see that: "Classical Dance is not an art form that exists in isolation. It is heavily reliant on multiple other art forms. This publication has been composed to throw light upon the significance of Literature, Music and other art forms that overwhelmingly support the learning, practice and sharing of Classical Dance." Happy Reading Girls 🩶 #publication #Junoon #sa


We've had a spirited set of sessions on THE JUNOON GURUKUL. The Beginners as well as Advanced batches have shown so much promise, potential and pleasure! We've danced, we've reflected, we've written, we've asked, we've answered, we've watched and we've learnt the importance of so many elements that are integral to dance! Plenty more ahead for our Girls in Grey! 🩶 #Junoon #classicaldance


There we go! We've made a beginning with defining TAPASYA and explaining it to ourselves. Our Girls in Grey can now begin to think harder about how this can and must be danced. Only on THE JUNOON GURUKUL @avasaragirls 🤍 #tapasya